INSIGHTS - September 2019

WordPress Multi-Language Plugin options 2019

If you’re selling your products and services internationally, then most likely you’re considering launching your website with a multilingual solution It will certainly convert more business if you’re really trying to communicate directly with that market in their language rather than trying to Navigate your website in English.

So what are some solutions for you in the WordPress environment?

They’re going to help you do that. In the past we’ve used WPML, which is WP WordPress multilingual it converts all components of parts of the page titles paragraphs labels, titles, sections of the site into different languages. So it converts all that back-end Into a very very complex list of all the components of where you need to do the translations.

As an example of that, this is the Russian site example of the same page. It’s delivering the same style, same content necessarily, but you can tweak it for individual pages for individual languages so it can become quite complex. And in our experience WPML has been a complex solution that the client has struggled with and we’ve had to step in and help along the way.

So you can see with all those different labels and icons just how complicated a site can get if If you go down this path. So what are some other solutions, recently there’s been a new part are released called G|Translate. So what it does is machine-learning analyzes the content of your site. It’s still a wordpress plugin, it actually injects the translation into the back end of the site and then you can tweak it as you go.

So you don’t have to necessarily engage a translator for every component of your site, although we still recommend that you do that to make sure that language and the context is correct. However, this is a one step, big leap forward, from just standard Google Translate that does a Translation on-the-fly of your content and usually jumbles it up.

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Obviously they are getting better as well but we’ve used this solution on our Green and Gold Macadamias is selling macadamias into various parts of the world. Here’s the The translator change this to Chinese and it does it on The fly as you’ll see here and you’ll notice here, it actually creates a language site, so that that will list in Chinese search engines that WPML will not so it were in Google Translate obviously doesn’t work in China either, but this actually does so when you’re thinking about multilingual then please don’t hesitate to give us call There’s some complexity around actually implementation and requires obviously resource to do some of the translation but G|Translate is a great tool for actually getting you one step ahead and on the way to multi-language on your web site.