As many of you know KND Digital also run Hack Rescue, it’s a high response repair service for websites that get attacked and so what we’re seeing recently is a disconnect between Google ads and your website and how it’s seen after it is attacked.
There’s a huge moral to this story which I’ll cover soon but here’s the scenario that’s happening every day pretty much every site that runs ads this is what’s going on so your Google ads are running they’re pointing to your website and that’s all running all fine.
So one day are your website gets attacked, by hackers and Google’s scanners recognize that it’s been attacked. You might see a flag in your search engine this site may contain half of content or or malicious code or something.
So that’s all bad, but it can be fixed really easily so our service and other other services come in and we clean the site and usually that can happen within a few hours or at least within within a day in a good scenario. So the site is clean. And we then submit back to Google so we go to Google and we say hey… scan your site so we do this in Google’s search console.
Otherwise known as webmaster tools. So we tell Google that it’s clean, so usually that’s a three to five day even a bit less maybe two to three day period where Google will come back and scan your site and go yep okay we’re happy it’s all clean good to go. However what’s happening at the moment is that can actually come back and say yep tick we’re all clean but your Google ads account will still say that your site contains malicious code.
So it won’t run your ads so there’s this massive gap and this isn’t just for three days or five days this can be I’ve seen maybe at least one to two weeks of paint so people who have their sites they’re coming back to us going Google still thinks our site is hacked and but it’s not all our scanning tools are all saying it’s clean and it is clean it’s just Google’s caching tools that it uses to run these scripts is looking at an older version of your site the hacked version of your site so the moral of the story is do your hardening first before you get hacked please avoid getting hacked keep your updates running roll your plugins get everything up to day security in place to talk to us to get it done and you won’t get into this situation when Google actually will take your ads down for at least you know one to two weeks that’s very very painful a business that relies on Google ads.
So don’t wait get your site hardened have a look at the insides of your website and see what’s going on get an expert in and get your site clean otherwise you’ll end up in this pain it’s happening a lot there is so much hacking hacking going on on websites these days but you need to reach out to an expert to make sure that you are protected