INSIGHTS - November 2018

The tremendous power of video on your website

Why video is so effective on your site


Video. It’s the bee’s knees of marketing. There’s a reason why Super Bowl ads cost millions for a few seconds. It’s because they work. Similarly, online video works well for pretty much any goal.

Need more sales? Make a video. Want to describe your service? Make a video. Want to rank higher in Google? You get the picture.

And with modern technology and mobile phones it’s easier to make a video than ever before.

So let’s dive into the reasons why video is so very effective.

Video boosts sales

Sale and conversion amounts from a page increase when a video is added. Studies show that 74% of site visitors buy a product if they see an explainer video beforehand.

Everyone knows pictures speak volumes more than plain text. Video takes this to the max, focusing consumer’s attention and communicating facts and emotions in a memorable way.

Video has great ROI

You might think video is expensive to make. But these days that’s just not the case. Technology now exists to bring down this initial outlay.

Jason Hawkins has mastered this workflow and can pump out a screencast / piece to camera to a website in 2 hours flat with little more than a computer and some simple software.

You might also think you have no idea about making videos, and if you made one the quality would be too low. Let us reassure you, the latest research says in this day and age people are used to this type of ‘home production’ look. But if you’re looking for that professional edge, KND can help make your video production shine.

Video builds trust

Your clients want to trust you! And you want them to trust you too. Common ways to achieve this on the web is with testimonials, associations, and awards.

Video is the new player here. It ignites these feelings with its engaging, moving visual and audio content. And throw in a few shots of you or your voice-over, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for success.

Want some stats? 57% of people say video gave them the confidence to trust a website enough to buy online.

Google loves video

Google owns Youtube and together these two systems provide for the overwhelming majority of searches on the web.

Google takes ‘time-on-site’ into account when ranking websites. Video holds people’s attention and massively increases this metric. It indicates your site has interesting content and is trustworthy. With an SEO optimised video, you can expect your site to leap up the rankings.

And don’t forget to include links back to your site, and remember to ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel!

Mobile users love video

You’ve probably experienced this yourself. People love watching video on their phones. Youtube reports that video is growing on mobile devices 100% every year. Since mobile owner numbers keep growing, this statistic will continue.

And it’s important to know that mobile viewers, while in that personal, connected mindset when using their phone, are 1.4 times more likely to watch and pay attention to branded content on Youtube.

Videos can explain anything

Are you selling something you could find in a supermarket? Probably not. Is your product or service kind of complicated for most people? Probably yes. Video is your solution. 93% of users say they’ve watched an explainer video to understand a product or service.

Is your concept difficult to comprehend? Use an animated video. With their simplified design and entertaining storylines, animations can help communicate your complex messages.

Video engages lazy customers

Modern people are raised on TV and movies. They’re too busy to read white papers (yawn) or lengthy prose. They are time poor, and want low ‘cognitive load’ interactions.

That’s why they love video – they can sit back and watch the topic spelled out to them or see a product in action instead of having to imagine it. It’s so much easier and more enjoyable, and it’s a powerful force.

Video encourages social shares

‘Sharing’ content is a critically important aspect of social media. And getting your content shared is the holy grail of any social media campaign – it means you’re message gets to new leads instantly and exponentially.

Sharing video is highly popular. But which ones get shared the most? The ones that are fun and entertaining. In fact, 76% of mobile users say even if an entertaining video was branded, they’d share it. Remember the old social media adage – people share emotions, not facts.

That’s a wrap

Want to dive into video and need a helping hand? We’re here for you. Call KND Digital on 1300 228 100.